Ibanez Talman, TMB100-MGR

The Ibanez TMB100 Talman is a bass guitar with a vintage look and a powerful genre-hopping
range of sounds.

The Talman outline provides a distinct aesthetic, combined with the retro Ibanez headstock and
logo alongside vintage-looking hardware.

The TMB100 also feels like a vintage instrument with its gloss-finished medium-thick neck topped
with a medium-rounded fingerboard profile.

When it comes to tonality, the TMB100 is loaded with a Dynamix J bridge pickup and Dynamix P
middle pickup - this combination provides access to both split-coil and bar-type pickup sounds,
for the ultimate in versatility and an ability to cover almost any genre.

The two electronic controls appear simple on outward appearances but look closer and you´ll see
that they are both dual concentric dials. They allow you to balance the level of each pickup,
set your master volume and sculpt your tone with an active 2-band EQ.

The TMB100´s classic-looking aesthetic hides its modern genre-hopping versatility and gives you
the best of old and new guitar styles.

3 825,-